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WHAT IS RENEWABLE ENERGY?New-Gen Business Park will provide occupants with the benefits of minimizing their carbon footprint, through green renewable energy solutions on site. It is intended that synergy between users generating renewable power will facilitate efficiencies within the Estate.
RENEWABLE ENERGYNew Gen Business Park provides occupants with the benefit of minimizing their carbon footprint, through green renewable energy solutions on site. Power, water, steam, waste to energy, form an integral platform of the Estate. In addition to renewable energy within the Estate, an adjoining Stanwell operated gasfire power-station has ability to provide further renewable energy.
CO-GENIt is intended that synergy between users generating renewable power, such as steam, water, will facilitate efficiencies within the Estate.
ELECTRICITY & NATURAL GASHigh voltage electrical infrastructure is available at site. “Behind the meter” electrical power connections is also being considered to provide efficient long term supply. Natural Gas is available through high pressure pipeline connection to the site.
POWER GENERATIONPower Generation is available through existing electrical infrastructure. Alternatively, a proposed renewable energy source “behind the meter” power option will be available for the site, subject to final design.
WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY DEFENCE?Located nearby to the Amberley Air Base, and the recently announced $2billion Rheinmetalls new manufacturing facility, New-Gen Business Park provides a dedicated precinct within the Estate with flexibility to accommodate up to 30ha of Defence related industries.
HIGH TECHA dedicated precinct to accommodate the most advanced technology, servicing a variety of innovative businesses.
AERO TECHNew Gen Business Park has a dedicated precinct whereby the Aero Tech industry can congregate. Businesses have the ability to exchange innovative ideas, to enable users to move to the future in air related industries. Secure high speed fiber optic infrastructure will be provided within the Estate.
AERO SPACEA collaboration precinct within the Estate to enable technology and industry to combine, resulting in the development of both aviation and space flight.
DEFENCELocated nearby to the Amberley Air Base, and the recently announced $2billion Rheinmetalls new manufacturing facility, New Gen Business Park provides a dedicated precinct within the Estate with the flexibility to accommodate up to 15ha of Defence related industries. Secure high speed data connection will be available within the precinct.
WHAT IS MANUFACTURING?New-Gen Business Park provides heavy industry with the opportunity to locate to a purpose built precinct with potential lot sizes of up to 50ha. The Estate provides 24/7 operation, with direct access to the Brisbane Port or Acacia Ridge Intermodal Terminal via rail, or B-Double transport. A nearby workforce is within close proximity to the Site, along with established infrastructure and amenities.
COLD STOREThe Estate is ideally suited to accommodate Cold Storage facilities through connectivity to potential Co-Gen. Efficiencies from renewable energy will ensure competitive outcomes.
HEAVY INDUSTRYNew Gen Business Park provides heavy industry with the opportunity to locate to a purpose built precinct with potential lot sizes of up to 50ha. 24/7 operation, with direct access to the Brisbane Port or Acacia Ridge Intermodal Terminal via rail, or B-Double transport. A nearby workforce is within close proximity to the Site, along with established infrastructure and amenity.
MANUFACTURINGWith in excess of 50ha of industrial land, New Gen Business Park has a dedicated manufacturing precinct for end-users wanting to enjoy the commercial efficiencies of competitive infrastructure and a nearby workforce.
E-COMMERCE WAREHOUSE & DISTRIBUTIONDirect access to major arterial road networks including Rail to Port connection, facilitates excellent logisctical solutions for high bay warehousing.
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